Current Volume 8(5) 2002 (34)

17 May 2002
Infertility status of male individuals with abnormal spermiogram evaluatedby cytogenetic analysis and in vitro sperm penetration assay.
Ewa Wiland, Alina Wojda
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR394-400 :: ID: 420825

17 May 2002
Infertility status of male individuals with abnormal spermiogram evaluatedby cytogenetic analysis and in vitro sperm penetration assay.
Ewa Wiland, Alina Wojda, Marzena Kamieniczna, Monika Szczygieł, Maciej Kurpisz
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR394-400 :: ID: 420825

17 May 2002
The Prozac boom and its placebogenic counterpart -- a culturally fashioned phenomenon.
Brian Taylor Slingsby,
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR389-393 :: ID: 420826

17 May 2002
The Prozac boom and its placebogenic counterpart -- a culturally fashioned phenomenon.
Brian Taylor Slingsby
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR389-393 :: ID: 420826

15 May 2002
Flu-like response on statins.
Helmut Sinzinger,
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR384-388 :: ID: 420832

15 May 2002
Flu-like response on statins.
Helmut Sinzinger
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR384-388 :: ID: 420832

15 May 2002
Hepatitis B vaccine immunogenicity in patients with chronic HCV infection atone year follow-up: the effect of interferon-alpha therapy.
Sławomir Chlabicz, Anna Grzeszczuk
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR379-383 :: ID: 420833

15 May 2002
Hepatitis B vaccine immunogenicity in patients with chronic HCV infection atone year follow-up: the effect of interferon-alpha therapy.
Sławomir Chlabicz, Anna Grzeszczuk, Tadeusz Wojciech Łapiński
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR379-383 :: ID: 420833

15 May 2002
Post-traumatic plasminogenesis in intraarticular exudate in the knee joint.
Danuta Rość, Wojciech Powierza
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR371-378 :: ID: 420834

15 May 2002
Post-traumatic plasminogenesis in intraarticular exudate in the knee joint.
Danuta Rość, Wojciech Powierza, Ewa Zastawna, Wanda Drewniak, Aleksander Michalski, Maria Kotschy
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR371-378 :: ID: 420834

15 May 2002
The impact of very late revascularization of occluded infarct-related artery on cardiac mortality and the incidence of sudden death in survivors of acute myocardial infarction -long-term observation.
Jan Ruta, Halina Bolińska
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR364-370 :: ID: 420835

15 May 2002
The impact of very late revascularization of occluded infarct-related artery on cardiac mortality and the incidence of sudden death in survivors of acute myocardial infarction -long-term observation.
Jan Ruta, Halina Bolińska, Paweł Ptaszyński, Marcin Rosiak, Krzysztof Jerzy Wranicz, Maciej Kośmider, Ryszard Jaszewski, Janusz Zasłonka
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR364-370 :: ID: 420835

15 May 2002
Alcohol consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer at low levels of micronutrient intake.
Wiesław Jedrychowski, Karen Steindorf
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR357-363 :: ID: 420836

15 May 2002
Alcohol consumption and the risk of colorectal cancer at low levels of micronutrient intake.
Wiesław Jedrychowski, Karen Steindorf, Tadeusz Popiela, Jürgen Wahrendorf, Beata Tobiasz-Adamczyk, Jan Kulig, Agnieszka Penar
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR357-363 :: ID: 420836

15 May 2002
QT interval in normal infants during sleep with concurrent evaluation of QTcorrection formulae.
Avram Benatar, Jose Ramet
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR351-356 :: ID: 420837

15 May 2002
QT interval in normal infants during sleep with concurrent evaluation of QTcorrection formulae.
Avram Benatar, Jose Ramet, Tine Decraene, Yvan Vandenplas
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR351-356 :: ID: 420837

15 May 2002
Carboxy terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II of Leishmania donovani has an unusually low number of phosphorylation sites.
Arindam Dasgupta, Shalini Sharma
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR341-350 :: ID: 420838

15 May 2002
Carboxy terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II of Leishmania donovani has an unusually low number of phosphorylation sites.
Arindam Dasgupta, Shalini Sharma, Aditi Das, Dwijen Sarkar, Hemanta Majumder
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR341-350 :: ID: 420838

15 May 2002
Lack of association of G-protein subunit gene C825T polymorphism with leftventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension.
Eugene V Shlyakhto, Eugene I Shwartz
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR337-340 :: ID: 420839

15 May 2002
Lack of association of G-protein subunit gene C825T polymorphism with leftventricular hypertrophy in essential hypertension.
Eugene V Shlyakhto, Eugene I Shwartz, Yulia B Nefedova, Anna V Zukova, Tatyana A Vinnic, Alexandra O Konrady
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR337-340 :: ID: 420839

15 May 2002
Prevalence of sleep disturbances in Chinese patients with end stage renal failureon maintenance hemodialysis.
David S C Hui, Teresa Y H Wong
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR331-336 :: ID: 420840

15 May 2002
Prevalence of sleep disturbances in Chinese patients with end stage renal failureon maintenance hemodialysis.
David S C Hui, Teresa Y H Wong, Thomas S T Li, Fanny W S Ko, Dominic K L Choy, Cheuk C Szeto, Siu F Lui, Philip K T Li
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR331-336 :: ID: 420840

15 May 2002
Randomised, cross-over, placebo controlled trial of magnesium citrate in thetreatment of chronic persistent leg cramps.
Christine Roffe, Sheila Sills
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR326-330 :: ID: 420841

15 May 2002
Randomised, cross-over, placebo controlled trial of magnesium citrate in thetreatment of chronic persistent leg cramps.
Christine Roffe, Sheila Sills, Peter Crome, Peter Jones
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR326-330 :: ID: 420841

15 May 2002
Heart rate response profiles to tilting in healthy and unhealthy neonates.
Martial M Massin, Kristel Maeyns
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR321-325 :: ID: 420842

15 May 2002
Heart rate response profiles to tilting in healthy and unhealthy neonates.
Martial M Massin, Kristel Maeyns, Jacques Lombet, Jacques Rigo, Paul Gerard
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR321-325 :: ID: 420842

15 May 2002
Prevalence of significant carotid artery stenosis in patients with transient ischaemic attack
Yael Rappeport, Lene Simonsen
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR317-320 :: ID: 420843

15 May 2002
Prevalence of significant carotid artery stenosis in patients with transient ischaemic attack
Yael Rappeport, Lene Simonsen, Hanne Christiansen, Gudrun Boysen
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR317-320 :: ID: 420843

15 May 2002
Apolipoproteins A-1 and B and the likelihood of non-fatal stroke and myocardial infarction -- data from The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Adnan I Qureshi, Wayne H Giles
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR311-316 :: ID: 420844

15 May 2002
Apolipoproteins A-1 and B and the likelihood of non-fatal stroke and myocardial infarction -- data from The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.
Adnan I Qureshi, Wayne H Giles, Janet B Croft, Lee R Guterman, L Nelson Hopkins
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): CR311-316 :: ID: 420844

15 May 2002
Relationship of the BCR gene breakpoint and the type of BCR/ABL transcript to clinical course, prognostic indexes and survival in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.
Witold Prejzner,
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR193-197 :: ID: 420845

15 May 2002
Relationship of the BCR gene breakpoint and the type of BCR/ABL transcript to clinical course, prognostic indexes and survival in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia.
Witold Prejzner
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR193-197 :: ID: 420845

15 May 2002
Model study of toluene diisocyanate effect on transepithelial ion transport.
Danuta Kosik-Bogacka, Tomasz Tyrakowski
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR187-192 :: ID: 420846

15 May 2002
Model study of toluene diisocyanate effect on transepithelial ion transport.
Danuta Kosik-Bogacka, Tomasz Tyrakowski
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR187-192 :: ID: 420846

Immunohistochemical investigations on cathepsin D activity in structures of cholesteatoma.
S Chodynicki, L Chyczewski
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR184-186 :: ID: 540762

Immunohistochemical investigations on cathepsin D activity in structures of cholesteatoma.
S Chodynicki, L Chyczewski, E Olszewska
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR184-186 :: ID: 540762

15 May 2002
The rate of loss of eyelid reflex following thiopental administration in hypo-and hypergonadism in rabbits.
Bogdan Szymański, Cezary Pakulski
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR179-183 :: ID: 420848

15 May 2002
The rate of loss of eyelid reflex following thiopental administration in hypo-and hypergonadism in rabbits.
Bogdan Szymański, Cezary Pakulski, Leon Drobnik, Andrzej Starczewski, Beata Badowicz
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR179-183 :: ID: 420848

15 May 2002
Blood serum levels of soluble forms of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 (sICAM-1)and selectin E (s-selectin E) in patients with various phases of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
Dariusz Wołowiec, Irena Frydecka
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR175-178 :: ID: 420849

15 May 2002
Blood serum levels of soluble forms of adhesion molecules ICAM-1 (sICAM-1)and selectin E (s-selectin E) in patients with various phases of non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.
Dariusz Wołowiec, Irena Frydecka, Katarzyna Kapelko-Słowik, Stanisław Potoczek, Donata Urbaniak-Kujda, Kazimierz Kuliczkowski
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR175-178 :: ID: 420849

15 May 2002
Is the CD14 receptor gene a marker for smoking dependence?
Jaroslav Hubacek, Jan Pitha
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR172-174 :: ID: 420850

15 May 2002
Is the CD14 receptor gene a marker for smoking dependence?
Jaroslav Hubacek, Jan Pitha, Zdena Skodova, Rudolf Poledne
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR172-174 :: ID: 420850

15 May 2002
Proteinases from Bacillus intermedius secreted in the late stages of sporulation.
Nelly P Balaban, Leila A Gabdrakhmanova
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR168-171 :: ID: 420851

15 May 2002
Proteinases from Bacillus intermedius secreted in the late stages of sporulation.
Nelly P Balaban, Leila A Gabdrakhmanova, Margarita R Sharipova, Aislu M Mardanova, Evgeniya A Sokolova, Galina N Rudenskaya, Inna B Leshchinskaya
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR168-171 :: ID: 420851

15 May 2002
Endothelin-1 gene polymorphism in the identification of patients at risk for malignant ventricular arrhythmia.
Lýdie Izákovicova Hollá, Milan Kozák
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR164-167 :: ID: 420852

15 May 2002
Endothelin-1 gene polymorphism in the identification of patients at risk for malignant ventricular arrhythmia.
Lýdie Izákovicova Hollá, Milan Kozák, Lýdie Izákovicova Hollá, Lubomír Krivan, Anna Vasků, Milan Sepsi, Semrád Borivoj, Jirí Vácha
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR164-167 :: ID: 420852

15 May 2002
Gastric hyperemic response induced by acid back-diffusion in rat stomachs following barrier disruption - relation to vanilloid type-1 receptors.
Kimihito Tashima, Masato Nakashima
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR157-163 :: ID: 420853

15 May 2002
Gastric hyperemic response induced by acid back-diffusion in rat stomachs following barrier disruption - relation to vanilloid type-1 receptors.
Kimihito Tashima, Masato Nakashima, Shigeru Kagawa, Shinichi Kato, Koji Takeuchi
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR157-163 :: ID: 420853

15 May 2002
Induction of cytokine production in human T cells and monocytes by highly purifiedlipoteichoic acid: involvement of Toll-like receptors and CD14.
Espen Ellingsen, Siegfried Morath
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR149-156 :: ID: 420854

15 May 2002
Induction of cytokine production in human T cells and monocytes by highly purifiedlipoteichoic acid: involvement of Toll-like receptors and CD14.
Espen Ellingsen, Siegfried Morath, Trude Flo, Andra Schromm, Thomas Hartung, Christoph Thiemermann, Terje Espevik, Douglas Golenbock, Daniel Foster, Rigmor Solberg, Ansgar Aasen, Jacob Wang
Med Sci Monit 2002; 8(5): BR149-156 :: ID: 420854
01 February 2025 : Editorial
Editorial: Current Approaches to Screening for Lung Cancer in Smokers and Non-SmokersDOI: 10.12659/MSM.948255
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In Press
Clinical Research
Evaluation of Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Thyroid Nodules in 456 Patients with Thyroid NodulesMed Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945732
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Comparative Efficacy of 3D-Printed Insoles in Managing Common Foot Conditions: A ReviewMed Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.947252
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Correlation Descriptive Study on Nurses' Professional Values and Job Satisfaction and the Ethical Climate o...Med Sci Monit In Press; DOI: 10.12659/MSM.945639
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